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Porro obcaecati cupiditate sequi voluptatem eos laborum modi ipsa, repellat voluptate vero, quo autem fugiat in quis? Commodi aliquam doloribus corrupti inventore.

Drug spend isn’t the only big cost center in hospital pharmacy. Like all other departments, labor expense is on the rise, collectively amounting to a 24.7% increase from 2019 to 2022.1

Pharmacy staffs are notoriously lean, which leaves directors struggling to do it all. From clinical research and resource development to team management and compliance, it’s a lot to fit into forty hours—and that’s not even accounting for the day-to-day patient care.

Here’s what the recent National Pharmacist Workforce Study heard from hospital pharmacists:

  • Nearly 20% spend 20+ hours per week on management activities2
  • 75.4% agree that their organization isn’t doing enough to deal with the actual causes of employee stress and burnout2
  • 76.2% agree that the extent to which their organization is dealing with the actual causes of employee stress and burnout reduces patient medication safety2

That’s why 1,200+ pharmacy professionals have turned to CPS Optimizer. This revolutionary pharmacy management platform features 3,500+ ready-to-use resources—all developed and consistently updated by regulatory specialists and clinical pharmacists. 

These resources take all the tedious research, laborious development, and guesswork out of the equation. That means staff can expedite processes while using their time more efficiently and effectively where it matters most.

Our teams quantified just how much pharmacies can save with CPS Optimizer's extensive content library with breakdowns by time and labor expense for each resource category. 

By filling out the form, you can download that savings analysis to see what CPS Optimizer resources could do for your budget in 2024.

1 American Hospital Association. Cost of Caring 2023: The Financial Stability of America’s Hospitals and Health Systems Is at Risk as the Costs of Caring Continue to Rise. April 20, 2023. Accessed March 18, 2024. https://www.aha.org/system/files/media/file/2023/04/Cost-of-Caring-2023-The-Financial-Stability-of-Americas-Hospitals-and-Health-Systems-Is-at-Risk.pdf 

2 Arya V, Bakken BK, Doucette WR, et al. National Pharmacist Workforce Study: Final Report. May 31, 2023. Accessed March 18, 2024. https://www.aacp.org/sites/default/files/2023-08/2022-npws-final-report.pdf

Fill out the form below to download the complete savings breakdown



Smart Investing: CPS Optimizer® Digital Pharmacy Resources

Streamline operations. Improve productivity. Reduce burnout.
See just how much your hospital pharmacy could save with new technology.

How Does Your Hospital Pharmacy Benefit?

  • IN-DEPTH ASSESSMENTS We review clinical and financial performance, regulatory requirements, compliance status, standards of practice, accreditation standards, policies and procedures, and more

  • GUIDANCE BY PHARMACY PRACTICE SPECIALISTS We advise your pharmacy while addressing performance barriers and introducing a culture of continuous improvement

  • CORRECTIVE ACTION PLANS We benchmark performance and identify opportunities

  • SPECIAL COMPLIANCE PROGRAM We deliver keen focus on 340B programs, USP 797/800, controlled substance risk, accreditation readiness, and more

  • LEVERAGE OUR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE CPS has delivered over 250 customized sterile compounding consultative assessments for diverse compounding operations

  • RECEIVE A COMPLETE SITE ASSESSMENT using our proprietary audit tool

  • RECEIVE A DETAILED EVALUATION OF STAFF AND SYSTEMS including personnel training and evaluation, an operational review, and more

  • FOLLOWING ASSESSMENT, CPS will deliver a written compliance report and a corrective action plan detailing findings and recommendations to bring your compounding pharmacy into regulatory compliance.

  • CPS WORKS WITH YOUR THIRD-PARTY ADMINISTRATORS to capture the claims which now meet the standards for inclusion in your 340B program


Case Study: How Drew Memorial Slashed Total Drug Spend to <$20 PPD


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